Journal de Montreal
They Talk About us!
Louis-Philippe Messier came to the boutique before the opening and had such a great time! Read the article here!

TVA Nouvelles
OMG! What a fun day!
Guy Laliberté got interviewed by Denis Levesque for TVA's 25th Anniversary!
They had such a blast! See the Article Here!

Sucré Salé
Last July 20 2023! Roxane Bruneau and Patrice Bélanger shared some laughs at the motel for Sucré Salé! The Video got over 600K Views on facebook! See some bloopers here !

Urban Decay
Urban Decay had a blast hosting their Lip Bond Vice Launch at Le Saint-Motel! The brand had over 45 Influencers have a make up & selfie party in the Saint-Motel! See more Here!

Dr Sketchy Montreal
Our decors are perfect for Model Drawing! So we had Dr Sketchy over for their Halloween Edition! With wonderful model Lou Lou LaDuchesse!
over 25 Artists sat and drew Lou Lou in our Halloween Witchy Decor!

MTL BLOG came to visit us at the opening and had a wonderful time! Le Saint-Motel is a fun experience for all ages!
Read the article here!

Daily Hive
Daily Hive got really hyped about our new Selfie Studio! They Talk about it here!

Cult MTL - Best of 2022
We barely opened and we are already nominated in Montreals TOP Instagram Spots!
Marisa, one of our Co-Founders and resident photographer was also nominated in Montreals Best Photographers!
Learn more about Montreals Best 2022 HERE!

Voyages d'aujourd'hui
Voyages d'aujourd'hui had their eyes filled with wonder! They wrote a fanstastic piece about our project and fun space! Read more about it HERE!

Daily Hive
Daily Hive had a blast revisiting le Saint-Motel to enjoy our Holiday Themed rooms!
Article Here

MTL BLOG - In Person
MTL BLOG came to try Le Saint-Motel during our big opening day! It was such a great time! Here is a resume of their experience!
You can also find a REEL on their instagram!

Be MTL came for a lovely stay and had a blast! Here is their detailed experience!

Daily Hive
Daily Hive really loved our space and came back for more! Come have fun in our decors! Read the article HERE.

Montreal Secret
Things to do to celebrate international women's right days! Come take selfies and have fun with your friends! Article Here

MTL Blog loves to hang out at Le Saint-Motel! Come see us for your perfect dates all spring and summer long! Article HERE

Montreal Secret
8 Things to do to combat the january blues! Montreal Secret knows the best spots in montreal! Article Here

Tourisme Exceptionnel a Montreal pour 2023!
Astrid s'entretient avec TVA pour Parler du Saint-Motel et des activitées touristiques de la ville!

Best of 2023!
CultMtl has released their latest Polls! Montreal Voted us
Top Instagram Places
Top Touristic Destination

Le Fabuleux Printemps de Marie-Lyne
Le Fabuleux Printemps came to film and take shots for their promo campaigns at Le Saint-Motel!

Local Food Tours
Local food tours talks about how St-Motel is one of the best Team Building activities in Montreal! Connect with your team and create timeless memories ! Also a great opportunity for product photography!